Tuesday 5 April 2016

My Learning Goals

Today we looked through our reports from last year. We identified a next step (goal) for reading, writing and maths. Here are my goals:

Maths: Cruze's next step is to use 'tidy tys' when adding and subtracting e.g. 185 + 8 as 185 + 5 = 190 + 3.
To achieve this goal I will: master my number bonds to 10. There are links on our class blog to practise this.

Reading: His next step will continue to be using these strategies such as rereading, and to show persistence as texts get more difficult.
To achieve this goal I will: Read everyday at home and at school.

Writing: My next goal is to spell all high frequency Words correctly in his writing.
To achieve this goal I will: Learn my spelling words.

my next step is to  spell all high frequency words. My next goal is to spell all high frequency Words correctly in his writing.
We also looked at our STAR results.
  • Word recognition I got 7 out of 10.
  • Sentence comprehension I got 2 out of 10.
  • Paragraph comprehension I got 1 out of 15.
  • Vocabulary I got 1 out of 10.

I am going to focus on: Sentence & paragraph comprehension & vocabulary.

To improve in this area I will: Use the links on our blog.